amc drilling

AMC – Hammer Oil 150

AMC-HAMMER OIL is supplied in 3 grades, 150, 320 and 460 centipoises with or without Molylube additive Molybdenum disulfide – to improve the lubrication and wear characteristics of the hammer.

Holes Size – Consumption (based on max. 35Opsi air) 3½“ to 5` – 1.5 to 2.0 litres/hour 5” to 7½“ -2.0 to 2.5 litres/hour 7 ½ “ to 8 ½ “ – 2.5 to 3.0 litres/hour 8 ½ “ to 8 ¾ “ – 3.0 to 3.5 litres/hour 8 ¾ “ to 17 ½ “ – 4.5 to 5.0 litres/hour

  • With the addition of Molylube concentrate, friction and wear to the piston and cylinder is greatly reduced.
  • Prevents metal to metal contact and surface scuffing – lubricates when oil films are unable to survive.
  • The AMC-HAMMER OIL with Molylube additive is highly effective in salty water conditions when drilling with foam.
  • The Oil/Molylube concentrate will not wash off the piston when foam is pumped through the hammer.
  • AMC-HAMMER OIL with Molylube additive is premixed at AMC’s factory and has been formulated to remain in suspension.

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